Delivery will be made ONLY upon completion of payment. Penghantaran akan hanya dibuat apabila kami menerima bayaran keseluruhan.
There is a few mediums will be used for delivery. Ada beberapa cara yang akan digunakan untuk penghantaran.
- POSLAJU (local/tempatan)
- SKYNET (local/tempatan)
- UPS (oversea/luar negara)
We will try to provide you with TRACKING NO. for your reference. Kami akan memberikan NO. PENGESANAN untuk rujukan anda.
Normally it will reach customer within 2-5 days (local) and if any delay please inform us so that we will check the delivery status with courier provider. Kebiasaannya, pesanan akan sampai dalam tempoh masa 2-5 hari tetapi sekiranya berlaku kelewatan sila beritahu kami agar kami memeriksa status penghantaran dengan pihak pos.
**NOTE: We are not responsible to bear any damage on product due to delivery as we had taken safety measure such as wrapping up the product properly.